Civil War Bullet


Over the years, these old gift shop type packages of excavated Civil War bullets were likely sold to collectors and tourists from gift shops, service stations, and other stores along highways in areas of Civil War activity. Each package contains one bullet along with a typed printed card with its identification, reference number, location recovered, and general description. The bullet's identification number, preceded by "MM#" found near the top of the front bullet description, refers to the widely used McKee and Mason's bullet reference book "Civil War Projectiles II Small Arms & Field Artillery with Supplement". The price found on the actual label may be ignored. The rear of the card has a brief general description titled "About Civil War Bullets". This old packaged excavated Civil War bullet will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War bullet or general relic collection.

NOTE: Virginia Relics has acquired a limited number of these packaged bullets and, over the next few weeks, they will all be listed under "PACKAGED BULLETS". Some, but not all, will also be listed under the "NEW ITEMS", "GREAT GIFT IDEAS" and "RELIC DISPLAYS" categories.

Product Code:


I may have other similar examples not yet listed.

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