On August 9, 1862, the Army of Virginia, including the 7th, advanced to Culpepper, Virginia and, then, to Cedar Mountain, Virginia, where "Stonewall" Jackson's command held a strong position. The Northerners attacked in mid-afternoon, with the 7th briefly engaging the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. The regiment entered the Battle of Cedar Mountain with three hundred men available for duty. Only one hundred of these men exited the engagement unharmed. After the battle, the 7th's commanding officer issued the following report:
HDQRS. SEVENTH REGT. OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, In Field near Culpeper Court-House, August 9, 1862.
SIR: I would respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by the Seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the battle of Cedar Creek, Saturday, August 9, 1862:
At about 8 o'clock a.m. we moved forward, by order of Brig.-Gen. Geary, commanding the brigade, a distance of 8 miles, suffering greatly from the scarcity of water and the intense heat, from the effect of which a number of men were fatally sun-struck. We took position in rear of Knap's battery, on the west side of Cedar Creek, forming in line of battle nearly due north and south, and remained there until 3.30 p.m., when we changed position by the right flank to support the right-center battery. In that position we remained about an hour, when we received orders to advance in line of battle. We moved forward about 200 yards, and were ordered to halt and await further orders. In the mean time we were exposed to a terrible cross-fire from rebel batteries, when we lost several men killed and wounded. We remained there about an hour, when we advanced to support the line of skirmishers thrown out by the enemy, then advancing in force in line of battle. We were soon in range of their infantry, and became hotly engaged. We held our position until relieved by the Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, when, closing my decimated ranks, I moved off the field by the right of column to the rear, and halted on the summit of a hill on the east side of Cedar Creek. Being wounded in the left side and arm, I was compelled to retire and leave the command of the regiment to the senior officer in the field.
At about 9 o'clock p.m. we moved forward toward Cedar Creek, being detailed for picket duty. When within a short distance of the creek our advance was challenged, but giving no answer, we received volleys from right, left, and front, compelling us to retire under the cover of the woods, and falling back 1 mile we bivouacked for the night.
I cannot speak too highly of the officers and men. Everyone was at his post, and nobly did each one do his duty.
Number of field, line, and staff officers in action; 14; number of enlisted men taken into action, 293; field and staff officers wounded, 2; line officers killed, 3; wounded, 5; enlisted men killed, 34; wounded, 146. All of which is respectfully submitted.
W.R. CREIGHTON, Col., Comdg. Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
CHARLES CANDY, Comdg. 1st Brig., 2nd Div., 2nd Corps Army of Va.